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The following is an extract from the minutes of the 87th Club Annual Meeting held on 5th July 2023 which details the report made to the meeting by President Ian Morris regarding the year ahead.

Thank you for electing me this season. I would also like to thank some new executive members who join us with a wealth of knowledge, and who knows, maybe they might like to go fishing!! Gerry Toohey is our new secretary and Brendan Harris is our new Treasurer – please make yourself known to them and have a chat with them and make them welcome.
I would also like to thank the club’s new executive, for your time will not go unheeded and your comments and ideas will be most welcome.
The Club’s new executive will strive to deliver an exciting season, but we can only do this if the members participate. Suggestions on venues both fishing and social will be welcome. Please approach me or any member of the executive with your ideas and thoughts.
A worrying sign is declining members, and we must try and get some new members into the club. My aim would be to try and establish ways we can do this, and I invite members to give us some ideas. It is suggested we target young members which is a great idea. Lots of ideas in the past seem to be for a lot of effort for very little reward. I floated the idea of walking the local piers. Maybe again we make our presence at local fishing stores and street markets. Try and establish our name back out in the community. I think we need to make more of an effort for guest speakers to try and maintain members’ interest.
Whilst our financial situation is stable, we need to discuss ways of where we can save money but also deliver things that the members can see the benefit of. Accommodation reimbursements are a good idea, as is paying towards charter trips. One thing the executive needs to work out is if these continue, and other ways we can help the members.
I am looking forward to the next 12 months and I am hoping that we can get some more people attending the meetings.

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Article | by Dr. Radut